Member Education Materials

2nd Edition New Member Education Materials

The Central Fraternity Office has updated NME Materials available now! You can see these documents by going to our public files site,, then Plans and Programs, and then NME Materials.

The 2nd Edition Materials include a Workbook and a Curriculum Guide. They reference the 17th Edition of the Membership Handbook, also available in the NME Materials sub-folder.

Theta Delta Chi Charges can utilize these materials in whole or script and create a Charge-specific plan aligned with the Grand Lodge NME guidelines and format for approval. They can also do no new member education and initiate within one week of the bid extension. Reviewing the Preamble and policies is the only requirement of this option.

Charges must select one of the options before the start of the year. New Member Materials are sent free after New Members are added to MyTDX, and the Charge President completes the new member registration form.

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