Grand Lodge Of Theta Delta Chi
Theta Delta Chi is organized and governed according to basic democratic principles. The governing compact is the Fraternity Constitution, and the legislative body is the Fraternity's annual Convention. The Grand Lodge is the governing body of the Fraternity and is comprised of seven men: The President (PGL), the Graduate Secretary (GSGL), the Graduate Treasurer (GTGL), and two executive members, all of whom are alumni, the Secretary (SGL) and Treasurer (TGL), who are both undergraduate members. Each of these officers is elected at the Convention by the two undergraduate and one alumnus delegates chosen by each active Charge.
The Grand Lodge is now incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; some of its duties and powers are specifically spelled out in the Constitution and By-Laws, and others may derive from decisions made at the Convention. Many of the Grand Lodge's present-day functions are listed below.
- The development and implementation of short and long-range plans and programs including, but not limited to, development of new Charges; growth and effective local management of existing Charges; stimulation of alumni interest and advising support of fund drives; the fostering of productive relationships with colleges and universities; and the maintaining of a favorable public image of Theta Delta Chi.
- Making periodic visits to Charges and maintaining an annual review of their condition; working with Undergraduates to improve when necessary.
- Maintaining close contact with house corporations and alumni associations and providing them with advice and assistance as requested.
- Assisting the Educational Foundation in their efforts to review and grant financial assistance to Charges and house corporations to aid in the maintenance of existing facilities and assist in the building of expanded or new facilities.
- Recruiting, training, and directing the Charge Consultants; reviewing their reports; and approving, revising, or rejecting their recommendations.
- The Grand Lodge underwrites 30% of the costs of printing and mailing The Shield. The Grand Lodge, through its staff, is also responsible for developing various other publications, including The Handbook, officer's manuals, and a membership directory which is printed every five years. The last one was printed in 2002.
- Planning and directing the annual Convention, at which time each officer prepares and submits a report to the delegates outlining his achievements and recommendations for the future course of the fraternity.
The Grand Lodge may delegate some of its powers and functions to the Executive Director, the Charge Consultants, and other members of the Central Fraternity Office staff. The officers of the Grand Lodge meet several times throughout the year and serve without compensation.